Saturday 9 November 2013

Secured loan rate reduction

We are seeing a fair bit of movement from lenders at the moment with reductions in rates and increases in LTV’s.

Our Secured Loan Panel has also been selected as a key partner for yet another new lender which extends their position as the foremost master broker with by far the largest panel of secured lenders available. I will provide you with more details on the new lender shortly - I am sure you will be impressed.

In the meantime, Blemain has made some major changes to its products which include lower rates, higher LTV’s and a new plan up to £80,000 which accepts one adverse point up to 70% LTV. This is significant when you take on board the other key strengths of Blemain’s secured loans which include:
  • High income multiples achieved by using net disposable income
  • Heavy and light adverse accommodated
  • CCJ’s and Defaults over 2 years old can be ignored
  • 1st and 2nd charge arrears over 12 old months ignored
  • LTV’s up to 77.5%
  • Second charge loans available up to £500,000
  • Loans for business purposes and second charges on BTL’s accepted
  • Accountant’s projections accepted if latest accounts poor or not completed
Packaging loans to Blemain requires particular skill and experience and getting it wrong could cost a client relationship. Blemain awarded our Loan Panel the broker of the month award in September so why not talk with them direct to discuss any enquiries you have.

Don’t forget we can also arrange bridging loans through Blemain along side our other large portfolio of bridging lenders. High level details of Blemain’s bridging products are as follows:
  • Rates starting at 0.75%;
  • LTV's up to 75%;
  • Products available for 3, 6 or 12 month terms;
  • No exit fee available;
  • Interest roll-up and payment deduction options available on 12 month bridge;
  • Residential investment properties LTV based on OMV;
Should you need help or advice please call our Panel Direct by simply CLICKING HERE